Public Works

Projects and Maintenance

Any work performed by the contractor before issuance of a PO or Agreement can be considered as having been done at the contractor's own risk and as volunteer work. For more information please reference the CSU Contracts and Procurement Policy

List of Definitions

Yes - A requisition is required.

  • Category #1: Maintenance Services (not to be confused with Repair)
    • Requirements:
      1. Contractor appropriately licensed (if applicable); CSLB, DIR, SB/DVBE
      2. Order is subject to the Labor Code when the value is $1,000.00 or more. 
      3. Signed ADA Compliance Form for furniture purchases (if applicable).
    • Thresholds:
      1. One Quote: Up to $49,999.99
      2. SB/DVBE Option: Up to $249,999.99
      3. Informal Solicitation: Up to $99,999.99
      4. Formal Solicitation: No Limit to Cost and Term
      5. Sole Source and Competitively Bid Contracts (a.k.a. Piggybacks) can be used to meet bid thresholds if applicable as determined by P2P.  
  • Category #2: Public Works Projects
    **Procurement of furniture falls under this category if installation is needed**
    **Repairs are generally considered Public Works. Please ask P2P if a service is a Repair or Maintenance**

Repairs are considered public works

  • Requirements:
    1. Contractor appropriately licensed (if applicable); CSLB, DIR, SB/DVBE
    2. Order is subject to the Labor Code when the value is $1,000.00 or more. 
    3. Work Order Number and Drawings for furniture purchases (if applicable).
  • Thresholds 
    1. One Quote: Up to $4,999.00
    2. SB/DVBE Option: Up to $250,000.00
    3. Formal Solicitation: No Limit to Cost and Term (Generally 3-year term with two 1 year optionals extensions)

***In certain cases, if time sensitive or special case, JOC, TOSA, TOCA, and MEAs can be used. P2P shall determine if applicable.  For questions regarding these contracts, please contact P2P Campus Care. ***

**Procurement of furniture can fall into a  general Good category if installation is not needed, but there are additional requirements above standard goods and service purchase - Contact P2P Campus Care with any questions**

Supplier/vendor must be appropriately licensed (CSLB, DIR, and/or SB/DVBE) and must submit a Supplier Information Form (Payee Data Record Std.204) in order to do business with SDSU. For more information on how a supplier/vendor can do business with SDSU, visit New Supplier/Vendor registration on the P2P website.

For procurement of stand-alone furniture, a complete and signed ADA Compliance Form is required to be submitted with the requisition. (Reference Furniture Purchase Guidelines)

For procurement of furniture that requires installation, an approved SDSU Work Order (response, email, etc.) and Drawings are required to be submitted with the requisition. (Reference Furniture Purchase Guidelines)

Small Business/ DVBE company needs to be certified in California. Use CaleProcure to confirm if the vendor you are doing business with is a certified SB or DVBE.

When in-house services are being subcontracted to outside contractors/service providers, please contact P2P

  • Procurement Credit Card – Not allowed, refer to the Non-PO Procure to Pay Policy (PDF)
  • Purchase Order (PO)- Allowed
  • Employee Reimbursements- Not allowed
  1. Documents required:
    1. Quote/Proposal (to include prevailing wage if applicable)
    2. Supplier Invoice
      1. Additional required documents are listed under the Additional Forms or Requirements section above.
    3. ADA Compliance Form
      1. For procurement of stand-alone furniture (no installation needed).
    4. Approved SDSU Work Order and Drawings
      1. For procurement of furniture that requires installation. Review the SDSU Facilities website for more information on work orders.
  2. Payment Notes:
    1. 2-way and 3-way invoice matches will route to the appropriate departmental signing authorities.
    2. No Contract/PO referenced on Invoice = No Payment


General Definitions

Public Works: Construction, alteration, demolition, installation, or repair work done under contract and paid for in whole or in part out of public funds, except work done directly by any public utility company pursuant to order of the Public Utilities Commission or other public authority. 
(Reference Labor Code, Section 1720)

Public Works Project: The erection, construction, alteration, painting, repair, or improvement of any state structure, building, road, or other state improvement of any kind.
(Reference PCC Section 10701 and SUAM XII, Sections 9700 et seq.)

Maintenance: Routine, recurring, and usual work for the preservation, protection, and keeping of any publicly owned or publicly operated facility (plant, building, structure, ground facility, utility system or any real property) for its intended purposes in a safe, and continually usable condition for which it has
been designed, improved, constructed, altered, or repaired.
(Reference California Code of Regulations, Title 8, Division 1, Chapter 8, Subchapter 3, Article 16000)

Repair:  For a differential evaluation between repair and maintenance, please contact P2P and provide a scope of the proposed work for evaluation.  Each project must be evaluated for scope and PCC guideline compliance.  

Emergency: “The emergency must be due to an act of God, such as earthquake, flood, storm, fire, landslide, public disturbance, vandalism, or other unexpected cause, which results in damage to a state-owned building, state-owned real property, or any improvements thereon, and immediate work and remedial measures are required to protect the public health, safety, and welfare.”
(Reference CSU Policy)

FAQ Definitions

Job Order Contracts (JOC): An annual construction contract with a prequalified contractor to accomplish minor capital outlay maintenance, repair, or improvement projects by utilizing a construction task catalog for pricing.
(Reference CSU Agreements (Systemwide): Master Enabling Agreements and Job Order Contracts)

Task Order Construction Agreements (TOCA): A delivery method that includes two types of agreements for multiple projects: a single task order for the design and preconstruction phase services for the anticipated group of projects, and individual project construction agreements for the construction phase.
(Reference SUAM Section XII - Section 9700)

Task Order Service Agreements (TOSA): Individual task orders supporting design services for any project CEQA, feasibility, master plan studies, miscellaneous professional services, and specialty design services such as geotechnical, hazardous material reviews, acoustical, laboratory, or other design studies, testing or inspection, services.
(Reference CSU Agreements (Systemwide): Master Enabling Agreements and Job Order Contracts)

Master Enabling Agreements (MEA): Agreements may only be developed by the CSU Office of the Chancellor; however, they are developed to provide specific services available to all the campuses of the CSU by predetermined providers. 
(Reference CSU Agreements (Systemwide): Master Enabling Agreements and Job Order Contracts)