
Invoices related to Purchase Orders (PO)

For more information on Purchase Orders please refer to the Requisition section.

Step 1:

Ensure goods/services have been completed/received and an itemized Invoice has been provided by the Supplier/Vendor.  Ensure that the PO Number is on the invoice.

Step 2:

Submit the invoice to the SDSU Procure-to-Pay team through the ingestion email at [email protected]
Directly to the Procure-to-Pay team at [email protected]

Step 3:

Supplier will receive a check or electronic payment (if the supplier has signed up for Direct Deposit) once the invoice is processed by the Procure-to-Pay team.


  • Submit one consolidated invoice (PDF)
  • Secured/Adobesign documents cannot be submitted through the ingestion email
  • Please include all required information/documentation for payment processing

Non PO Invoices

The Direct Payment Request Form (PDF) is used to request payment for authorized goods and services (generally not to exceed $4,999.99 per request unless otherwise noted) that are not on a PO. Approval of the payment 
will follow the departmental FAH delegation of authority. Be sure to attach original itemized receipts for all such purchases to the Direct Payment Request Form (PDF)

Step 1:

Campus Partner will submit the payment request using the Direct Payment Request Form (PDF) through AdobeSign workflow or email ([email protected]).

Any exceptions to the policy requirements outlined in the SDSU Non-PO Procure to Pay Policy must be documented on an Accounts Payable Exception Request (PDF)

Step 2:

The Procure-to-Pay team will process the Direct Payment Request Form (PDF).

Step 3:

Supplier will receive a check or electronic payment (if the supplier has signed up for direct deposit) once the Direct Payment Request Form (PDF) is approved by the supervisor and  Fiscal Authorization Hierarchy (FAH) and is processed by the Procure-to-Pay team.

Pro Tip: To enroll in direct deposit, please complete and submit the Direct Deposit Authorization form via Adobe Sign. To request the Direct Depositt Authorization form please reach out to the Procure-to-Pay team ([email protected]). 

Guest Lecturers

Guest or Special Lecturers are paid using the appropriate Guest/Special Lecture Form.  Please go to the Supplier/Vendor section for more information.  

Wire Transfer Request

Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) is the standard electronic payment method on campus. However, there are times when a wire transfer is necessary.  The University offers two options, Domestic Wire Transfer and International Wire Transfer. The University disburses all funds in U.S. dollars. The wire transfer forms should be submitted with the invoice and/or requisition. A request for payment must be made sufficiently in advance of the date payment is due to allow time for processing and payment per the terms of the agreement with the vendor.

NOTE:  Wire transfers may take up to 3 days to process depending on the complexity of the wire and the availability of staff to input and approve the wire transfer.

Domestic Wire Transfer

The Domestic Wire Transfer Form is used for transferring funds domestically within the U.S.  This is not a Direct Deposit or Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT). This form of payment is used when a Check is not accepted or an Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) can not be completed.

Note: There is a $57.00 processing fee for Domestic Wire Transfer charged to the department requesting this payment option.

International Wire Transfer

The International Wire Transfer Form is used for transferring funds internationally outside the U.S.  This is not a Direct Deposit or Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT). This form of payment is used when a Check can not be accepted by the Foreign Supplier/Vendor or Foreign Individual for Services/Goods provided.

Note: There is a $63.00 processing fee for International Wire Transfer charged to the department requesting this payment option.

For more information regarding payments issued as a Wire Transfer please contact the Procure-to-Pay team ([email protected]).