SDSU Guest International Travel

Consultants, Contractors, SDSURF Employees, Immediate Pay Personnel, and Guest Lecturers with NO RED ID

International travel steps infographic.
Download a pdf version

The section below only applies to SDSU guests such as Consultants, Contractors, and Guest Lecturers who use state funds to travel on university business and do not have a Red ID and/or is not registered with HR.

Step 1:

Review CSU Travel Policy and the SDSU Travel Policy (PDF) to ensure you are aware of the requirements of the policy. If you do not comply with the policy, you may not be reimbursed for your travel costs.

Step 2:

The SDSU host Department Representative must complete the T2 on behalf of the SDSU Guest. 

Domestic Guest Lecturers don’t do a T2 or a TEC, they fill out the Domestic Guest Lecturer form

Then either the Representative or traveler can book travel.  Forms must be submitted 45 days before travel.  

  • When filling out the T2 for non-employees, enter the hosting Department Manager in lieu of the Traveler’s Supervisor.  
  • A T2 may not be needed if the travel expenses are incorporated into an SDSU supplier contract.  The CSU and SDSU travel policies still apply.

Step 3:

Complete the required documentation based on the type of Guest (if needed):

Guest Lecturer

  • Guest/Special Lecture Form
  • Supplier Information Form (PDR-STD 204)
  • W-8BEN

On-Campus Interview Candidate

  • Request for Authorization for Reimbursement of On-Campus Interview Expense Form

Step 4:

The SDSU Department Coordinator will submit the TEC through AdobeSign. 

Step 5:

SDSU Guest will receive a check once the Travel Expense Claim and supporting documents are approved by the Supervisor & Fiscal Authorization Hierarchy (FAH) and processed by the Procure-to-Pay Team.